Explorer Scouts

Explorers - 14 to 18 years

Try more. See more. Do more. At Explorers, you’ll stand on your own two feet, and make memories to last a lifetime.

News & Blogs

Falkirk District Explorer Scouts from three different units – Antonine (Falkirk town centre),  Kinnaird (Stenhousemuir) and Altitude (Maddiston) came together on Sunday 15th December for a District Christmas Dinner. A full Christmas dinner with all the trimmings finished off with Christmas pudding and Yule log was enjoyed by all.  Following the meal, the  fun continued with a Christmas quiz.  After a busy year for the explorer units, the leaders  from the three units (in the photograph) sat down, with the explorers, to enjoy their well-deserved meal, joining in all the fun of the evening.


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Being a member of Scouting provides many opportunities for our young people. From learning new skills, making new friends, exploring outdoors through hiking and camping, there's something for everyone. In addition to local groups and activities, larger camps and events run both nationally and internationally. Each year, the National Scout and Guide Symphony Orchestra (NSGSO) and National Scout and Guide Concert Band (NSGCB) bring together members of both Scouting and Guiding aged between 12 and 25 who play an instrument at grade 4 or above for a week of music making, culminating in end of course concerts at a variety of venues. This year Falkirk District was represented by two of our Explorer Scouts, both attending for their third year, who had a fabulous time and would highly recommend it to others. Next summer is the 50th anniversary of NSGSO and 10th anniversary of NSGCB, and to celebrate a special course is planned with big concerts at Nottingham Albert Hall and the Birmingham Symphony Hall. Applications and further information can be found at https://nsgso-nsgcb.com/

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Scouting offers a great range of activities and the photograph shows Explorer Scouts from all over Falkirk District taking part in canyoning sessions, navigating through waterfalls and slides in the river and jumping in from various heights depending on how brave they felt.  Our leaders train and gain permits to allow them to run these activities.  They are asking anyone who has a wetsuit that they have  outgrown or don't want anymore, to consider donating it to the Scouts to allow them to continue to offer this adventurous activity.  If you can help, please contact Programme@falkirkscouts.org.uk  to arrange collection.

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A brilliant time was had by all when the 27th Bonnybridge spent two days paddling on the Barrwood reservoir.  A group of beavers, cubs, scouts and North Star explorers pulled on buoyancy aids and helmets and used two Saturdays to learn how to paddle and manoeuvre kayaks, paddle boards and canoes.  For many of the young people it was their first venture on to the water.  Group lead volunteer, Helen Smith said: “We wanted to give the young people the opportunity to try something new during the school holidays. It worked out really well because it was sunny on both days. Plus, the scouts and explorers were able to increase their skills and helped the younger children by paddling the Canadian canoe with them on board.”

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The photo shows some of the 500 participants preparing for the closing ceremony of the Blair Athol Jamborette at the end of July.  Such a large gathering of young people requires a huge number of adult volunteers, many of whom were from Falkirk District.  Staff are needed for many areas from manning the reception and dealing with the paper-work which a large camp engenders, to dealing with site logistics ensuring the camp is kept safe and clean.  While the youth members cook for themselves in their sub-camps, the staff are catered for by other volunteers.  Being a member of staff is hard work but many have so much fun that they attend year after year.


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Falkirk District Scouts

Charity Number: SC038590

Jim McKellar Scout Centre, Duke Street, Falkirk, Falkirk, Forth Region, FK6 6NU
Material on this website has been reproduced by permission of The Scout Association
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