Jim McKellar Scout Centre


Large Main Hall including:

  • Tables
  • Chairs
  • White boards
  • Notice boards
  • Drop down screen
  • Projector table
  • PA system (available on request)


  • Male
  • Accessible
  • Single

Fully Fitted Kitchen including:

  • Large range cooker
  • Microwave
  • Fridge
  • Hot water boiler
  • Cups, plates, bowls, knifes, forks, spoons
  • Cooking pots & utensils
  • Serving flasks

Meeting Room (available on request)

Small Meeting Room (available on request)

Showers (available on request)


The Jim McKellar Scout Centre is owned by Falkirk District Scouts and is located close to Denny Town Centre just off Duke Street behind West Park Church.
It is available for regular hires, meetings, seminars, overnight sleepovers, community group and activity use.
Scout use - £20 per hour
Non Scout use - £25 per hour
Sleepovers - £50 per night
These charges will be reviewed annually.

Nearby attractions

  • Barrwood Campsite
  • Bannockburn Heritage Centre
  • Stirling Castle
  • Wallace Monument
  • Falkirk Wheel
  • The Kelpies
  • Callendar House
-3.91134856.02364<p><b>Jim McKellar Scout Centre</b></p><p>District HQ & Scout Hall</p>https://falkirkscouts.org.uk/Images/SA_Site_Images/MapIcons/2018FleurDeLis_7413dc.png-3.91134856.02364<p><b>Jim McKellar Scout Centre</b></p><p>District HQ & Scout Hall</p>https://falkirkscouts.org.uk/Images/SA_Site_Images/MapIcons/2018FleurDeLis_7413dc.png 1 -3.911348 -3.911348 56.02364 56.02364 -3.911348 56.02364 14 terrain 0 0

Jim McKellar Scout Centre - Booking enquiries

* Organisation:
* Your Name:
* Tel No.:
* Email:
* Address:
* Event Type:
* Date/Time:
* To:
Regular Booking?:
Yes Disabled No
* No of Adults:
* No of Youths:
Yes Disabled No

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Jim McKellar Scout Centre, Duke Street, Denny, Falkirk, Forth Region, FK6 6NU

Material on this website has been reproduced by permission of The Scout Association
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