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Taking advantage of the great weather in May, Kinnaird and Altitude Explorer Scout units held a joint meeting travelling to the Auchenstarry quarry at Kilsyth.  Some concentrated on improving their paddleboarding skills and didn’t worry if they fell off – it helped cool them down! 

Others practised rock climbing and to make it more exciting and to further their experience, the Explorers belayed for each other, (with appropriate supervision of course).   This meant that the young people who were climbing were held and lowered by another young person with an instructor standing by and most made it to the top.

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Just before the Denny and Dunipace Community Gala Day on the 25th May this year, the 9th Dunipace Beaver Scouts and their Beaver Families could be found busily picking up the litter at the Herbertshire Park, otherwise known as the Gala Park.  They managed to collect lots of black bags full of rubbish.  They later discussed the importance of not dropping any litter and about recycling and waste disposal.  The colony lead volunteer, Lou Grover said,  “Thanks to the beavers and their families who did a marvellous job, the park looked great on the day of the gala”. 

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Earlier this year, the scouts from the 93rd Braes Scout Group and the Altitude Explorer Scouts joined Limerigg Action Group, Paths for All and CVS Falkirk to do some path clearing in Limerigg Woods.  The sun shone while they sawed trees and lopped off lower branches to help make the walks and paths more accessible to all in the community.  The Explorers were in their element building a couple of bridges over some really muddy areas. It was great teamwork especially as Limerigg Action Group laid on plenty of snacks and a hearty lunch in the community hall. 

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A Scouting family from Troop 175, in Florida, who host the 93rd Braes Scout Group during their American trips, recently enjoyed a day in the Barrwood accompanied by members of the 93rd.  The Drake family were touring around Europe, ending in Scotland but they just had to visit the local campsite after hearing so much about it.  

They made their own pizza for lunch and even had a go at crate climbing which is not done in Florida.  Isabella is pictured with Jake Wadell from the 93rd, after spending the day on the water.   Scouting is indeed a large and international family.

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At the end of April, the 2nd Torwood cubs had a fantastic night at the Barwood Barn Climbing wall.  This was part of their Adventure Challenge Award which they were  working towards.  All tried the challenge and managed to get up and around the wall.  They then finished the evening with a juice break and a quick session in the playpark behind the barn. They have already completed the task of using a slingshot.  Fire lighting, backwoods cooking and a hike to the Tappoch Broch which is an Iron Age broch in the woods at Torwood will be the next tasks to help them achieve the award.



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Jim McKellar Scout Centre, Duke Street, Denny, Falkirk, Forth Region, FK6 6NU

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