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The 1st Falkirk Cubs enjoyed the best of the good (and the bad) weather this summer with a weekend at Barrwood. They spent some time on the reservoir learning to kayak, and played lots of games while on the water. To prepare for the thunderstorm that was due we built shelters out of natural materials with a little help from some ropes and tested them out when the rain started. They worked well! We did lots of badgework, played a lot of games and had a lot of fun and despite the weather not being the best it was still a brilliant weekend away!

We're always on the lookout for more adult volunteers to help on a regular or an infrequent basis. If volunteering with the scouts is something you would consider please get in touch with

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A brilliant time was had by all when the 27th Bonnybridge spent two days paddling on the Barrwood reservoir.  A group of beavers, cubs, scouts and North Star explorers pulled on buoyancy aids and helmets and used two Saturdays to learn how to paddle and manoeuvre kayaks, paddle boards and canoes.  For many of the young people it was their first venture on to the water.  Group lead volunteer, Helen Smith said: “We wanted to give the young people the opportunity to try something new during the school holidays. It worked out really well because it was sunny on both days. Plus, the scouts and explorers were able to increase their skills and helped the younger children by paddling the Canadian canoe with them on board.”

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The photo shows some of the 500 participants preparing for the closing ceremony of the Blair Athol Jamborette at the end of July.  Such a large gathering of young people requires a huge number of adult volunteers, many of whom were from Falkirk District.  Staff are needed for many areas from manning the reception and dealing with the paper-work which a large camp engenders, to dealing with site logistics ensuring the camp is kept safe and clean.  While the youth members cook for themselves in their sub-camps, the staff are catered for by other volunteers.  Being a member of staff is hard work but many have so much fun that they attend year after year.


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In July this year 2nd Torwood Scout Group were delighted to assist a group of American Scouts during their tour of Scotland prior to attending the 39th Blair Atholl Jamborette.  When the scouts form Maryland and Minnesota reached out last year for somewhere in Forth Valley to stay for the night the Torwood group were delighted to offer the use of their hall.  The 12 scouts and 6 leaders spent their first night with an Edinburgh group before visiting Roslyn Chapel, Linlithgow Palace, the Kelpies and the Falkirk Wheel.  Following a tiring day they arrived at the hall for some games, food and a well-deserved rest. They also met Katie Niven, Torwood Young Leader, who was going to assist at the Jamborette.  After spending the night at the Torwood hall they headed off to Stirling Castle and Wallace Monument before their next stop at Fort William.

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A mixed group of Scouts and Explorers from Falkirk District led by 16th Laurieston Scout group took part in the Blair Atholl International Jamborette Satellite Camp.  This is a shorter camp for younger Scouts to take part in the activities and ceremonies of a large International Jamborette.    The young people had opportunities to visit the main camp participants,  play games led by international visitors, try some camp activities in addition to a fun but very soggy campfire and a spectacular "Scouts Own" ceremony held in front of Blair Castle.  

All returned home tired, happy and very determined to attend the next Jamborette in 2 years-time. 

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Jim McKellar Scout Centre, Duke Street, Denny, Falkirk, Forth Region, FK6 6NU

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