Being a member of Scouting provides many opportunities for our young people. From learning new skills, making new friends, exploring outdoors through hiking and camping, there's something for everyone. In addition to local groups and activities, larger camps and events run both nationally and internationally. Each year, the National Scout and Guide Symphony Orchestra (NSGSO) and National Scout and Guide Concert Band (NSGCB) bring together members of both Scouting and Guiding aged between 12 and 25 who play an instrument at grade 4 or above for a week of music making, culminating in end of course concerts at a variety of venues. This year Falkirk District was represented by two of our Explorer Scouts, both attending for their third year, who had a fabulous time and would highly recommend it to others. Next summer is the 50th anniversary of NSGSO and 10th anniversary of NSGCB, and to celebrate a special course is planned with big concerts at Nottingham Albert Hall and the Birmingham Symphony Hall. Applications and further information can be found at